I definitely think that players should have the option to focus on tech which complements their playing style, so that if eg, a player likes to use a lot of cavalry, there will be whole branches of tech to choose from in developing heavily specialised cavalry that will annihilate everything in its path, or create more balanced armies.

The clan specialties were a good feature, but perhaps the bonuses weren't significant enough to make players alter their playing style for different factions. The lack of unit variety in Shogun2 could have been mitigated with an expanded tech tree, allowing the player to research numerous different techs, giving bonuses that improve their units, or makes their armies highly specialised in specific areas. I agree - it's a feature with massive potential. I'd really like to see it taken up a few notches and really expanded upon. I really hope so, a tech tree has so much amazing potential, especially if it becomes complex and complicated with multiple paths to chose.