But in order for this corpse to appear, you need to complete several tasks in Novigrad. The task is not displayed on the map or in the journal until we stumble upon a corpse. Great question! Even after a few years with the quest happen lining. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt “A Feast for Crows” - a detailed walkthrough How to start the quest “A Feast for Crows” In this review, we will examine how to activate the task, how best to proceed and learn about the rewards for different endings. Therefore, many players accidentally miss it, depriving themselves of additional experience, money, and acquaintance with local redmen.

In order for the task to appear, it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions, and it is not displayed on the map in any way. “A Feast for Crows” is a side task that you can stumble upon while traveling through the back streets of Novigrad in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Conversation with the Slasher - the consequences of choosing.How to start the quest “A Feast for Crows”.The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt “A Feast for Crows” - a detailed walkthrough.Once you find a sign you can use it to fast travel back to previous locations. While riding on Roach you also have three speeds, walk, trott and gallup. You also now have access to a mount, Geralt’s trusty horse called Roach. Witcher 3 features three speeds of movement, walk, run and sprint. Geralt has remembered much of his past and knows that he must find Yennefer as quickly as possible. The Nilfgaardians are advancing on the northern kingdoms and have left some of the smaller villages in ruins.

Witcher 3 takes place after the events of Witcher 2. The map will give you places of interest to explore and the journal will keep track of all your quests so you can pick and choose what you want to do next. There are so many places to explore that it can seem a little overwhelming at first. It features a vast, open, fantasy world with an updated combat system and gorgeous graphics. Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the crowning achievement of CD Projekt Red.